Nice snapper catch on the night anchor fishing trip
Night fishing action is gaining momentum this week with a really good mangrove snapper and mutton bite. A few really big groupers and a lot of small yellowtail snapper are also biting good once it gets dark. At night, snappers come out of the woodwork to feed and December is one fine month for snapper fishing. Some of the mangrove snappers that we’re getting are 5-6 pounders! Muttons on average are about that size too, some bigger and some smaller. In on the shallower spots, yellowtail snapper are also biting very good. In the winter time, yellowtail are small and usually stay in shallower waters. We usually mix it up and do a couple deep spots and a couple shallow spots on our night anchor trip.

Monster mangrove snapper caught on the night anchor trip
Grouper are also biting really good out there. Black groupers, red grouper and gag/grey groupers are the ones we’re seeing. Pete caught a miniscule grunt last night. He trimmed its tail, hooked it up with a bigger rig and dropped it to the bottom. He fished it for 20 minutes until he got a bite. Ended up catching a 20 pound black grouper, biggest fish of the night. The action at night is way better than the action in the day trips this week. On the daytime trips, we’re picking at the kingfish and bonitos, with the occassional tuna and grouper. Daytime action has defintely slowed down with all the boat traffic this week on the water and competition for fish. During Christmas week, the hot bite is on the night anchor trip. Good luck fishing everybody, I’ll sea ya on the water.

20 pound black grouper caught on the Catch My Drift