Drift fishing catch with a big cobia, snappers, kingfish and bonitos
Beth and family from Arizona came fishing aboard the Catch My Drift on our daily drift fishing trip yesterday. The fishing was pretty good, the boat caught some big mutton snappers, some yellowtails, a few 15-20 pound bonitos and a big kingfish. At the last moment of the trip, Captain yells down, “Okay guys, we gotta reel ’em in and head back home.” Well Beth made one last quick drop down to the bottom and as soon as she hit the bottom, she got the bite on a big fish. She fought the fish for a while and when it came up to the surface, Robert, the first mate on the boat shouted, “Cobia! Cobia!”. The deckhands rushed to grab the bigger gaff and ran to rail to stick the fish. 3 cheers for Beth and good job on catching the biggest fish of the trip, a 35 pound cobia. Cobia are great eating fish, so I know you’ll have a few good meals out of that one. May is a good month for cobia fishing in Fort Lauderdale. Bottom fishing for snappers, groupers or any bottom fish is pretty good this month. Drift fishing is also catching kingfish, mutton snappers, yellowtail snappers, grouper, bontio and blackfin tuna. There is some good deep sea fishing out there these days. Sea ya on the water.

Arizona Angler Beth with a great big cobia just caught drift fishing